Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What to do????

Herb woke me up this past weekend telling me that someone was wanting a price on our property in Bellamy. He was excited to say the least. I was sick with the crud and could have cared less. Mind you....... I do want to move but I don't think that it's possible at this time.
Obstacles seem to be in the way.
1. J.J. is still in school... 1 more year until he graduates.
2. What will we do with all this junk?
It is just mind boggling to think of going through this all and getting him to let any of it go.
He's got so much stuff that I don't know what he will do with it all.
Pays $45/month for a storage building in N.C. that has some of his parents stuff..
Now I can understand the cedar chiffarobe, bookcase and antique table but please..... I'm not going to use his mom's 1970's living room suit..... nope.... not gonna happen.....
Then he pays $55/month for a storage building in Livingston.
You see his problem is he's a clutter freak....... He's a HOARDER!!!!!!!!!!
I am not perfect by any means but I can probably load up all I want out of my house in the back of a pickup truck and be perfectly happy with my few possessions. Just give me my clothes, fabric, sewing machines, laptop and pictures.
3. What happened to I was going to go to school????
If we sell out and have to go and pay rent somewhere then it will take all the money I make for rent and I won't have time to go to school.
4. He's already called me today saying...... well did you figure out a price yet????
I'm like no cause how are we going to survive right now while I go back to school...
He said....well I'll think about that then.
5. What's he going to do with the animals?
So many places are NO PETS!!!!
Mind you, Gage is HUGE!!!! so even if there is pets allowed it generally is <25 lbs.....
6. If we move...... where to?????
I'd like to be able to move where there is a VA so that Herb can use his medical benefits there and also..... If I could get a job with the VA then they will pay me while I go to school. So that is really the only way that I could move and have my rent taken care of while going to school.
Problem is Gulf Coast and Tuscaloosa both do not have any LPN jobs right now.
So I'm feeling like it's not meant for me to do that right now. I don't really want to live in B'ham and that's where the LPN jobs are right now at the VA.
I had thought about just going ahead and biting the bullet and enrolling at UWA. But now.....I'm like what the heck am I supposed to do. Maybe I'm just not meant to be a RN..... But I really need the money that they make. It's so hard to make it on LPN pay.
7. How much can we afford for rent??? Do we want a house or an apt????

So those are just some of the things that are going through my mind right now.....
